The Financials

How Does A Private GP Franchise Add Up?

At FastTrack GP, we believe in fostering strong partnerships with our franchisees. A crucial aspect of our collaboration is the financial agreement that we establish. Our financial agreement serves as a transparent and mutually beneficial framework that outlines the financial obligations and benefits for both parties involved.

How much does a FastTrack GP franchise cost?

A FastTrack GP franchise costs £6K p.a. for up to 5 team members (clinicians and/or administrators) to cover core fees, plus 10% of billed revenue. Our aim is to deliver a 10x return on your fees. Figures are ex-VAT.

Through this agreement, we establish the foundation for a successful and sustainable partnership, enabling our franchises to thrive and grow while benefiting from the support and resources provided by FastTrack GP.

What you’ll get
What’s it worth to you
Systems – You’ll have access to EMIS Web for record keeping, Hero for patient engagement and billing, Docman Connect for NHS communication, as well as a suite of further tools for compliance and training
  • EPR - £6K p.a.
  • Patient Engagement & Billing - £6K p.a.
  • NHS Communication - £2K p.a.
  • Further tools - £6K p.a.
Compliance – We provide a full CQC consultancy service, working with you as the Registered Manager to ensure you deliver care in a safe and compliant manner, meeting or exceeding the expected standards
CQC compliance costs £15-20K to achieve, and then half as much on an annual basis to retain registration
IT Support – Access to the secure HSCN network, as well as the full Microsoft suite and a managed email service
HSCN is £3K p.a., and Microsoft services are valued up to £1K p.a. for 6 users
Finances – We’ll provide revenue book keeping and monthly payouts, to ensure that you have clear visibility of income into your business
£3K p.a.
Administration – For seamless communication with patients, you’ll have access to a ticket management platform populated with pre-defined responses to common questions. Patients will be setup to book online.
A basic ticketing system could cost £1K p.a., but we’ll also populate this with pre-defined responses and up to date information.
Training – We’ll provide you with ongoing training to ensure you meet the latest CQC guidance. You’ll also be part of our regular practice meetings. We run training to guide you in the nuances of private practices.
The cost of administrative time for such a service could easily exceed £10K p.a.
Marketing – You’ll have a dedicated website which is yours to populate for your Franchise, with hosting included, and access to our branding and marketing in your area. You’ll also be listed on Find A Private GP.
Website - £750 p.a.
Find A Private GP - £600 p.a.
Legal – We’ll provide you with relevant Terms and Conditions, Privacy and Cookies policies. We’ll cover your Data protection fee and annual renewals.
Legal setup costs £1.5K, with annual updates £500 p.a.
FastTrack GPs also have access to further services at a discounted rate (billed in addition to the franchise fee):
Indemnity – You’ll be able to join our group indemnity policy, simplifying the indemnity process and providing a saving on a direct policy
IT Support& Hardware – You can get access to our IT support desk for a flat monthly fee. The IT support service can also provide you with hardware, such as laptops and printers.
Finances – We can assist with annual accounting and full cost book keeping, as well as getting you setup on Xero. We’ll set you up to take payments, but card fees are an additional cost.
What will you need to arrange separately?
Room rental – You’ll need to find CQC compliant rooms, most likely either at a private hospital or NHS GP practice.

What You'll Get

We're experts in delivering high-class private GP services. As a FastTrack Partner you'll be equipped with the FastTrack Practice Suite - everything you need to build and operate a successful private GP service.

What You'll Need

As a starting point, you'll need a to be fully qualified GP with good clinical experience. You'll need to make a financial commitment for at least 12 months and you'll need to demonstrate that you have what is takes to build a practice from the ground up. You'll also need to source and pay for a premises - although we can help you with this.